In 1871, this cartoon was published in Harper’s Weekly and captured the mood of the nation. It showed crocodiles representing Catholic priests approaching the shore where a minister or teacher is protecting students.

CACR7 Blaine Repeal Legislation Introduced

CACR7 Constitutional amendment to repeal the NH Blaine Amendment had been introduced in the NH House of Representatives. You can track the scheduling of the House Education Committee hearing and subsequent actions here:...

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United States Supreme Court Ruling on Carson v. Makin

by Glenn Cordelli The United States Supreme Court recently issued a ruling in a Maine case (Carson v. Makin) that is another major victory for parents trying to find the education option that best meets the needs of their children. This case involved the Maine school...

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Education Freedom in New Hampshire

by Glenn Cordelli NEW HAMPSHIRE has now become one of the leading states in the nation for education freedom for families and students. With our public schools rated among the best, why is education freedom important? The basic answer is that even the best school...

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Espinoza vs Montana

by Rep. Glenn Cordelli The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Espinoza v Montana Department of Revenue was a landmark decision relating to school choice and education freedom. The case revolved around a Montana law that was passed creating a tax credit...

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The Blaine Amendment

by Rep. Glenn Cordelli In a recent article, I discussed several U.S. Supreme Court cases leading up to the recent Espinoza v Montana Department of Revenue. The decision in this case was that parents could not be barred from using a publicly funded scholarship to...

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